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Author Topic: Trying to buy real hatchable fertilized pigeon eggs  (Read 7537 times)


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Trying to buy real hatchable fertilized pigeon eggs
« on: October 16, 2021, 05:14:19 PM »
I'm new here. It doesn't look like many postings are around. I'll try anyway: I am looking for eggs my pigeon hen can lay. She's alone, only loves me, and is nasty to any male introduced. She is a devout brooder and I can't take it anymore watching her try so hard to hatch her unfertilized (obviously) eggs and show utter temper tantrums, which she does, by the end of her brood cycle. Does ANYONE have ANY ideas for where/who I can buy from some hatable eggs? ANY viable pigeon eggs at all? "Bunny" wants LIFE to happen so she can feel success finally. She is a standard European black-banded wild pigeon. I got her when she was blown out of her nest at a couple of weeks old near a shopping mall. She was cold, dehydrated, and starving. I tube fed her, then got her eating on her own using the plastic bag with a hole trick where she pokes her beak into the opening and sucks her formula till she was ready for pecking food. She's a beautiful two-year-old now, so smart, and fully domesticated with tricks, and responds to what you say and reacts appropriately. Very smart and amazing gal.

Please someone get back to me? I looked all over the Internet with no luck. I will buy a handful since I have a small emergency incubator in case the ones I slip under her don't hatch. I'm ready and prepared. Then I'll slip the emerging baby under her because she's so truly tame and easygoing. One way or the other.

I love birds and have two Plymouth Rock hens, 2 silky Bantams, and a Red Golden Pheasant along with "Bunny", who gets along with the silkies and the Pheasant rather well, oddly enough. Too bad my Pheasant, "Romeo", can't cross-breed! That's how desperate I am.

Thanks for reading! Now to hope for someone to respond with help or suggestions/connections...

Thank you,      -Blake99


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